Name | Manufacturer | Type | Tonnage | Edited | Dimensions (m) | VEP | Cost (KCr) | Range (ly) | Cargo (tons) | Crew | AC | Weapons | Armour | Fuel | Redundancy (tons) |
| Civillian BattleShip Factories | Mothership | 100,000 | 7. Apr 2009 at 06:19 | 776 x 429 x 49 | 33,500 | 1,500,000 | 16,050 | 100,000 | 50 / 100 / 4,500 | 1 | 4,300 | 32,000 | 20,000 | 30,000 |
| Dilern Regime | Mothership | 2,000,000 | 1. Aug 2010 at 00:53 | 600 x 500 x 300 | 700,000 | 60,000,000 | 328,424 | 2,900,000 | 100 / 2,000 / 100,000 | -1 | 30,000 | 1,600,000 | 1,100,000 | 1,200,000 |
| Dilern Regime | Mothership | 1,260,000 | 16. Feb 2019 at 10:10 | 1,634 x 3,430 x 291 | 420,000 | 25,000,000 | 134,750 | 2,040,000 | 122 / 1,034 / 27,000 | 2 | 7,000 | 800,000 | 316,500 | 756,000 |
| Forte | Mothership | 145,000 | 7. Apr 2009 at 06:18 | 272 x 258 x 68 | 50,000 | 3,000,000 | 14,969 | 200,000 | 50 / 100 / 8,500 | 1 | 5,000 | 50,000 | 20,000 | 50,750 |
| General Combat Equipment | Mothership | 75,000 | 7. Aug 2009 at 17:49 | 380 x 320 x 65 | 28,500 | 1,800,000 | 23,357 | 75,000 | 40 / 80 / 3,000 | 0 | 3,300 | 26,000 | 30,000 | 30,000 |
| SpaceGlow | Mothership | 350,000 | 7. Apr 2009 at 06:18 | 1,300 x 810 x 150 | 150,000 | 8,000,000 | 90,025 | 500,000 | 50 / 1,000 / 20,000 | 0 | 4,500 | 60,000 | 150,000 | 140,000 |
| SpaceGlow | Mothership | 120,000 | 19. Jul 2011 at 13:58 | 400 x 360 x 85 | 43,000 | 3,500,000 | 14,712 | 180,000 | 50 / 100 / 13,000 | 1 | 3,500 | 35,000 | 20,000 | 36,000 |
| The Imperial Navy | Mothership | 250,000 | 7. Apr 2009 at 06:18 | 770 x 350 x 50 | 85,000 | 2,000,000 | 101,526 | 200,000 | 50 / 200 / 9,000 | 3 | 5,000 | 70,000 | 150,000 | 62,500 |
| The Imperial Navy | Mothership | 1,200,000 | 7. Apr 2009 at 06:18 | 1,485 x 389 x 103 | 400,000 | 20,000,000 | 116,419 | 2,100,000 | 80 / 1,100 / 30,000 | 2 | 8,000 | 650,000 | 280,000 | 600,000 |
| Utopia | Mothership | 650,000 | 31. Jul 2010 at 14:04 | 680 x 300 x 120 | 250,000 | 14,000,000 | 116,668 | 1,500,000 | 50 / 180 / 25,000 | 2 | 4,100 | 255,000 | 200,000 | 325,000 |
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