Bastar | |
Uniformal Excellence | |
(Medium) Cruiser | |
540 tons (displacement: 2,340 tons) | |
180 | |
3 / 5 / 35 | |
Length: 32 m · Width: 32 m · Height: 32 m | |
10 | |
3 (Ini: +3 / AC: -3 / Pilot: +30%) | |
180 tons | |
20 | |
250 | |
Pilot: -10% | |
Short Range Sensors, NLS Engine, Foldspace Drive, Foldcomm, Artificial Gravity, Escape Pods | |
40 km/s | |
1.9 Million Cr | |
60 % | |
636 light-years (redundancy: 16 tons, 3%) Speed: Standard (300 ly/day) · Cost: x0.59 (11 cr/ly, 1.673 ly/fp) | |
250 NGST | |
None (cannot operate in atmosphere) | |
2. Feb 2009 at 10:03 (Nonnib) | |
Yes... It's a ball. What's your point? The Bastar is a very inexpensive ship with no bells or whistles. It has pretty good range and thick armor plating however. Fixed |