Frontier NL-5
Frontier NL-5 | |
SpaceGlow | |
(Medium) Destroyer | |
20,000 tons (displacement: 85,000 tons) | |
6,500 | |
50 / 100 / 500 | |
Length: 325 m · Width: 95 m · Height: 60 m | |
2 | |
0 | |
5,000 tons | |
800 | |
6,500 | |
Deflection Shield Class: 1 · Missile Shield Class: 3 · Repair Field Class: 3 | |
Short Range Sensors, Long Range Sensors, NLS Engine, Foldspace Drive, Foldcomm, Artificial Gravity, Escape Pods | |
5 km/s | |
200.0 Million Cr | |
-75 % | |
17,284 light-years (redundancy: 4,000 tons, 20%) Speed: -10% (270 ly/day) · Cost: x0.86 (17 cr/ly, 1.152 ly/fp) Range without redundancy use: 20,740 light-years | |
250 NGST | |
None (cannot operate in atmosphere) | |
9. Aug 2011 at 13:55 (Nonnib) | |
This is the latest in the Frontier series Premier Space Citadels (PSC) created by SpaceGlow. Its main purpose is that of a command centre which can hold its own in combat. The Frontier is of destroyer type but it is most often used as a small mothershup. It was commissioned by Andoronia which bought it in large quantities in the NGST era, but now SpaceGlow have little difficulty finding buyers to pick up the slack. Forte has been a good customer of late, as well as Nilen. The Frontier has quite impressive Redundancy for a destroyer which allows it to bring 2 Sargott-Pan ships into foldspace with it. |