The Kal'en Thath (Godly Vision) is based on a scout vessel design originally created in large numbers in the LMC prior to the Dilern Regimes (DR) exodus. The original Thath design has been lauded by the DR for the last 300 years as the single biggest reason for how successful the DR entry into the Milkyway really was. The Thath is more a science vessel than a scout ship, aimed at methodically mapping every nook and cranny of vast ranges of space, providing both real time tactical information as well as a host of other data on other important variables such as population composition, available resources, trade and cultural nuances, to name a few. The increase in range is more a result of the Thath being able to "cut corners" when it comes to fold space calculations due to its immense navigational and sensor capability. The Thaths "silent drive" capabilites are derived from a number of unconventional methods. It's gravitational wake is only a fraction of it's mass (not even allowing for the comfort of artificial gravity, but providing alot of extra cargo space) and it foldspace entry and exist wake is usually akin to those of much smaller ships. The Thaths armour is minimal (non-metal composite plating, ) and it relies on electronic countermeasures, speed and fleet backup for evading hostiles. The anti-energy weapon shields are based on cloud emissions and EW rather than actual shield technology, parts of which can only be maintained for limited periods of time. The Thaths cargo space has specially designed deployment ports for a host of espionage equipment such as drones and satellites, equipment they usually carry in great abundance. The Imperial Marine Core (IMC) famously dubbed the Thath "the All Seeing Paper Kite", for obvious reasons. |