Bremin | |
United Ship Production Company | |
(Ultra Heavy) Transport | |
450,000 tons (displacement: 2,130,000 tons) | |
168,000 | |
5 / 30 / 100 | |
Length: 750 m · Width: 190 m · Height: 94 m | |
6 | |
0 | |
1,300,000 tons Without foldspace drive: 1,390,000 tons | |
220 | |
202,000 | |
Short Range Sensors, Long Range Sensors, NLS Engine, Foldspace Drive, Foldcomm, Artificial Gravity, Escape Pods | |
2 km/s | |
2.0 Billion Cr | |
25 % | |
55,282 light-years (redundancy: 22,500 tons, 5%) Speed: Standard (300 ly/day) · Cost: x1.62 (32 cr/ly, 0.614 ly/fp) | |
250 NGST | |
None (cannot operate in atmosphere) | |
31. Jul 2010 at 09:48 (Nonnib) | |
The Bremin is mainly used to transport Foldspace fuel. Normally each Kg (unit) of Foldspace fuel requires a ton's worth of equipment to store in a spaceship but in a tanker such as the Bremin its cargo stores are specifically designed to haul the volatile plasma so its cargo capacity is increased 10 fold to the amount of fuel it can carry in its normal fuel tanks. Therefore the Bremin can transport up to 13 million units of hyperfuel, enough to fill up almost a hundred ACV's. However, fuel cannot be extracted directly from these tanks in this configuration and a very elaborate process is required to get the fuel into a consumable form. Therefore this is not an ideal approach if the Bremin is to be used as a refueling platform. However, this is a very typical configuration of the Bremin, in which case it's referred to as a supertanker, carrying fuel over as much as five sectors. The Bremin can be configued so that it has its own conversion facilities and can refuel other ships directly but in those cases something like 90% of the fuel is unprocessed and then the Bremin processes fuel (over a period of some time) to have fuel ready for transfer worth 10% of its full capacity. In this configuration the Bremin can hold something like 10% less fuel. Since Foldspace fuel costs around 20cr/unit a fully laden Bremin has cargo worth quarter of a Billion credits. It can be fitted to carry other cargo than fuel, and has become one of the more versatile cargo vessels in recent history, scoring a big win for the USPC. FIXED |