Farglott MK-2
Farglott MK-2 | |
Uniformal Excellence | |
(Medium) Cruiser | |
600 tons (displacement: 2,620 tons) | |
202 | |
3 / 5 / 25 | |
Length: 124 m · Width: 63 m · Height: 15 m | |
9 | |
3 (Ini: +3 / AC: -3 / Pilot: +30%) | |
140 tons | |
20 | |
320 | |
Engineer: -10% | |
Short Range Sensors, Long Range Sensors, NLS Engine, Foldspace Drive, Foldcomm, Artificial Gravity | |
30 km/s | |
2.828 Million Cr | |
100 % | |
931 light-years (redundancy: 30 tons, 5%) Speed: -10% (270 ly/day) · Cost: x0.53 (10 cr/ly, 1.862 ly/fp) | |
9020 GST | |
Poor | |
15. Jan 2016 at 15:46 (Nonnib) | |
This spacecraft was built to meet the need of the public. In the late GST era civilians were demanding a low cost solution for personal travel, and Uniformal Excellence delivered. The Farglott remains today, 800 years later as one of the most successful spaceships in the Galaxy. The design has been modified over the years to fit the market at any given time, so you don't have to worry about outdated technology. The Farglott is the best all around choice for any adventurer and spacefarer, whatever his business may be. The MK2 edition reinvented the hull of the spacecraft in the NGST era but it's still built upon the same trusted aging technology. |