Sargott-Pan | |||||||
United Ship Production Company | |||||||
(Very Heavy) Fighter | |||||||
1,380 tons (displacement: 6,380 tons) | |||||||
500 | |||||||
3 / 5 / 15 | |||||||
Length: 182 m · Width: 55 m · Height: 18 m | |||||||
6 | |||||||
4 (Ini: +4 / AC: -4 / Pilot: +40%) | |||||||
200 tons | |||||||
60 | |||||||
1,100 | |||||||
Deflection Shield Class: 1 · Missile Shield Class: 1 · Repair Field Class: 2 | |||||||
Short Range Sensors, Long Range Sensors, NLS Engine, Foldspace Drive, Foldcomm, Artificial Gravity, Escape Pods | |||||||
40 km/s | |||||||
22.0 Million Cr | |||||||
10 % | |||||||
1,857 light-years (redundancy: 13 tons, 1%) Speed: Standard (300 ly/day) · Cost: x0.53 (10 cr/ly, 1.857 ly/fp) | |||||||
29500 GST | |||||||
Average | |||||||
9. Aug 2011 at 13:56 (Nonnib) | |||||||
The Sargott-Pan was commissioned by the Andoronian military, and was manufactured exclusively for them. The name "Sargott-Pan" is Andoronian and translates to "Flying Perfection", and is a name that is considered quite fitting for this vessel. It is an extremely advanced and robust spacefighter and can operate independently at very long range from the nearest friendly base. This is how Andoronia could send fleets of theses ships over the border to Nordon to inflict massive amounts of damage to various locations. Since the fall of Andoronia these ships have become available in the open market and can be purchased by anyone. The hyperdrive is very finely tuned to deliver the performance necessary for the extreme range so there's not much leeway for redundancy. Daring adventurers should give this piece of hardware a chance, they won't regret it. | |||||||