Tyranny | |
SpaceGlow | |
(Heavy) Mothership | |
120,000 tons (displacement: 550,000 tons) | |
43,000 | |
50 / 100 / 13,000 | |
Length: 400 m · Width: 360 m · Height: 85 m | |
1 | |
-1 | |
180,000 tons | |
3500 | |
35,000 | |
Missile Shield Class: 4 · Repair Field Class: 2 | |
Pilot: -10%, Navigate: -10%, Engineer: +20%, Operate Sensors: +10%, Operate Comms: +10%, Combat Tactics: +10%, To Hit: -5 | |
Short Range Sensors, Long Range Sensors, NLS Engine, Foldspace Drive, Foldcomm, Artificial Gravity, Escape Pods | |
5 km/s | |
3.5 Billion Cr | |
-100 % | |
14,712 light-years (redundancy: 36,000 tons, 30%) Speed: -10% (270 ly/day) · Cost: x1.36 (27 cr/ly, 0.735 ly/fp) Range without redundancy use: 19,125 light-years | |
520 NGST | |
None (cannot operate in atmosphere) | |
19. Jul 2011 at 13:58 (Nonnib) | |
The Tyranny was created by SpaceGlow exclusively for the conrece of Andoronia in the NGST era. Now that Andoronia is no more this colossal mothership is on the open market, available to anyone with the credits. This ship is capable of defeating whole fleets if the need arises, and has done so in the service of Andoronia over the years. All computer systems are constantly updated to meet the demands of an evolving market, as well as computerized weapon systems and guidance modules. This makes the Tyranny stand ahead of many other older designs, which have not changed over time. The Tyranny remains a very competitive mothership, but at over 3 billion credits a piece, not many can afford it. There are however several private ventures which have this destroyer in their arsenal, much to the dismay of surrounding conreces. |