
Arbiter-class freighter

NameArbiter-class freighter
ManufacturerHalcyon Industries
Type(Medium) Freighter
Tonnage600 tons (displacement: 2,600 tons)
Crew3 / 5 / 20
DimensionsLength: 40 m · Width: 20 m · Height: 20 m
Armour Class7
Maneuverability4 (Ini: +4 / AC: -4 / Pilot: +40%)
Cargo160 tons
Weapon spaces20
Armour Plating400
OptionsShort Range Sensors, NLS Engine, Foldspace Drive, Foldcomm, Artificial Gravity
Speed30 km/s
Cost5.0 Million Cr
Availability25 %
Range648 light-years (redundancy: 60 tons, 10%)
Speed: Standard (300 ly/day) · Cost: x0.61 (12 cr/ly, 1.62 ly/fp)
Range without redundancy use: 712 light-years
Year0 RTC
AtmosphericVery poor
Last Edited5. Mar 2024 at 20:32 ()
DescriptionA pretty old design but has decent armour for a ship its size and good range. The ship can take a lot of pounding and still get you where you want to go.