Delari Cruiser
Delari Cruiser | |
Uniformal Excellence | |
(Heavy) Transport | |
15,000 tons (displacement: 65,000 tons) | |
5,000 | |
12 / 50 / 100 | |
Length: 320 m · Width: 88 m · Height: 30 m | |
5 | |
0 | |
25,000 tons Without foldspace drive: 35,000 tons | |
200 | |
8,100 | |
Repair Field Class: 5 | |
Engineer: +25% | |
Short Range Sensors, Long Range Sensors, NLS Engine, Foldspace Drive, Foldcomm, Artificial Gravity, Escape Pods | |
5 km/s | |
210.0 Million Cr | |
-20 % | |
14,712 light-years (redundancy: 4,500 tons, 30%) Speed: -20% (240 ly/day) · Cost: x0.67 (13 cr/ly, 1.471 ly/fp) Range without redundancy use: 19,125 light-years | |
50 RTC | |
None (cannot operate in atmosphere) | |
13. Aug 2009 at 14:16 (Nonnib) | |
The Delari Cruiser, as it's incorrectly named, is one of the toughest transport vessels in the Galaxy. It has a thick hull and an unsurpassed repair system of the strongest possible grade making this expensive transport an impenetrable fortress. The Delari also features two pairs of dual Particle Laser Cannons of military specs which can obliterate most pirate crafts in a single volley. The Delari can haul 25K tons of cargo almost 15000 lightyears using its default configuration and has a redundancy of almost 5000 tons which enable it to ferry smaller ships along its hyperspatial wake. FIXED |