Decarious | |
Advanced Military Research | |
(Light) Cruiser | |
313 tons (displacement: 1,363 tons) | |
105 | |
3 / 5 / 8 | |
Length: 42 m · Width: 40 m · Height: 7 m | |
5 | |
0 | |
50 tons | |
10 | |
105 | |
Deflection Shield Class: 2 · | |
Operate Sensors: +10% | |
Short Range Sensors, NLS Engine, Foldspace Drive, Foldcomm, Artificial Gravity | |
30 km/s | |
2.5 Million Cr | |
25 % | |
412 light-years (redundancy: 15 tons, 5%) Speed: Standard (300 ly/day) · Cost: x0.57 (11 cr/ly, 1.753 ly/fp) | |
140 NGST | |
Average | |
25. Feb 2007 at 07:59 (Nonnib) | |
Has Vertico 211 Atmosphere corrosion shielding, and is primarily used for transportation to planets with hostile atmospheric conditions. The shield has proven remarkably resilient against beam weapons as well. |