
Species - Geneler
Eigandi Nonnib
Dagsetning Búin til 13. Jan 2005 kl 17:48 · Breytt 30. Jan kl 23:09 (4 skipti)

Geneler first arrived in the Galaxy twenty years before the NGST-RTC switch, 200 years before 180 RTC. It is uncanny how alike they are to their Korthean cousins mentally despite the fact the two species had never met up to that point.

Geneler eru mjög skyldir Korthea en það er samt svolítill munur á útliti þeirra: Þeir eru þónokkuð sterkari en samt líka hreyfanlegri heldur en Korthea. Þeir eru ekki með neitt hár og eru kolsvartir á litinn. Þeir eru hávaxnari og eyru, augu og nef eru þónokkuð breytt eins og þú sérð að neðan. Líkamsbyggingin er ekki svo ósvipuð og hjá Korthea. Skinnið á þessum tveim er með svipað ‘texture’, það er bara liturinn sem er dekkri á þessum.

Geneler eru með þónokkuð mean andlit en eru samt ekki illilegir.Meira svona eins og dýr í þeim skilningi að þeir eru grimmir en það er engin illska á bakvið það.

Mér fannst kjálkabyggingin á Korthea mjög flott, og ætli Geneler séu ekki með svipaðan kjálka, fyrir utan að það eru þessar rifur fyrir ofan kjálkann sitt hvoru megin.

Geneler are in many respects the ultimate warriors, although they are very moral like their Korthean cousins. Geneler males are born and bread for combat. Since arriving in the Galaxy, Geneler males in Dilern have stopped doing any other work besides being soldiers, leaving all other aspects of life to other species.

Opna / Loka
Height [cm]:170-200
Weight [Kg]:90-180
Eyes:Small, wide, well protected by protruding facial structures. Black in colour, slightly tilted. Similar to Korthean but more elongated.
Ears:Three small slits on the side of the head, which can be closed voluntarily.
Mouth:Larger than on Korthea. Fangs can often be seen.
Nose:None, two slits on each side of the jaw handle breathing and smelling. They have a nose-area not too dissimilar to Korthea, quite armoured. They can use their face for head-butting. It is preferrable to using their foreheads, which are not quite as strong.
Skin:Black, leathery.
Legs:Similar to Korthea.
Arms / Hands:Similar to Korthea.
Build:Very muscular. For example, the sides of his torso have a lot of muscles, similar in appearence to Korthean stomach It is impossible for a Geneler to become fat, his metabolism doesn’t allow it. Females are very different. They are small (100-120 cm, and very thin (as such they cannot be played). The Geneler’s head is a bit larger than the Korthea’s with elaborate bone and muscle structure, especially in the back of the head.The Geneler’s neck is a weak area and is not at all as well protected as the Korthean. Genelers have claws on their hands and sharp fangs in their mouths. The Geneler genital area is not very visible since they have their genetalia inside their bodies until they are needed for deployment.
Life and Death
Puperty:7-9 years old
Lifespan:50-60 years
Population [percentage and location]:6,7 % (Dilern Regime)
Attribute modifiers:
  • Geneler are extremely strong and well built.
  • They share the Kortheas ability as great climbers and acrobats.
  • They have a fierce appearance which makes them very intimidating.
  • Their thick skin gives them excellent defense.
  • Geneler have naturally slightly better resistance to radiation than most other species.
  • Geneler have bread out of them the ability to bind with nature that is common to all other races. As such they cannot become AcalMasters, and it is believed this might be the reason they’re so unlucky
  • They are also technologically inept.
Modifier summary:

Geneler are unable to use any mental powers.

+20 % to observation because of their superior sensory organs.

Athletics receives a +10% bonus if taken.

Natural 1 DR because of skin.

Suggested classes:Warriors, Fighters, Bountyhunters.
Example Names:Geneler did not use names before coming into the Galaxy, utilizing only serial numbers, but since they’ve started blending into the society here they have adopted their Korthean cousin names.
Cousin Species:Korthea, Kildoron, Asaar-Tak, Asaar-Tok, Ura-Korthea
History:The Geneler originated in the Large Magellanic Cloud and arrived in this Galaxy in the year 592 NGST, a few years before The Great War.
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