
Species - Asaar-Tak
Eigandi Nonnib
Dagsetning Búin til 13. Jan 2005 kl 17:35 · Breytt 13. Jan 2005 kl 17:39 (2 skipti)

Geneler / Korthea

Asaar-Tak eru annað hvort með Geneler móður / Korthea föður (í 10% tilfella) eða Geneler föður / Korthea móður (í 90% tilfella). Fyrra tilfellið er þónokkuð veikara race en hitt, en er jafnframt líkara Korthea í útliti.

Útlitið á týpískum Asaar-Tak er samansuða af Geneler og Korthea, en þau skortir mikið af úberpower Genelera.

Þeir eru nokkuð virtir innan Dilern Regime, og þykja Geneler-Korthea “hjónabönd” vera bara hið besta mál. Þeir eru venjulega séðir sem Korthea af öðrum kynþáttum.

Asaar-Tak þýðir “Blanda Guðs” á Geneler.

Geneler bera rosalega mikla virðingu fyrir Korthea, etv. Meiri en Korthea fyrir Geneler. Það er nokkuð algengt að Geneler finni sér Korthea maka og það er ‘sanctioned’ af yfirstjórn Geneler sem er grundvöllurinn fyrir því að þetta geti tekist.

Most of the time Asaar-Tak resemble Geneler more than they do Korthea. However, when the father is a Korthea the resemblence shifts towards that species.

Opna / Loka
Height [cm]:160-200
Weight [Kg]:90-180
Eyes:Similar to Geneler, black
Ears:Three slits on the side of the head with some semblance of an ear structure surrounding them.
Hair:Typically none, but sometimes they inherit the hair traits from their Korthean lineage. In those cases they have rather thin hair (compared to Korthea)
Mouth:Similar to Korthea
Nose:Similar to Geneler
Skin:They have similar skin texture to Geneler but can have any colour combination of the two species; shades of red and brown as well as black and any combination thereof (depending on the colour of their parents)
Legs:Similar to Geneler
Arms / Hands:Similar to Geneler (more slender)
Build:More muscular than Korthea but less so than Geneler. The Asaar-Tak’s metabolism isn’t as advanced as in their parents and they can become obese if they don’t watch themselves (not as much danger as with humans though)
Life and Death
Puperty:8 years
Lifespan:60-70 years. Asaar-Tak have, on the average, 10-15 year longer lifespan than Geneler and Korthea, which is one of the reasons they are considered to be so valuable.
Diet:Carnivore. Asaar-Tak love to hunt their own prey and do so at every opportunity. There are numerous wildlife reserves in the Galaxy where they can pay a fixed price for a prey and hunt it themselves. When doing this they seldom employ firearms and tend to go after natural predators rather than more docile animals.
Population [percentage and location]:The Population of Asaar-Tok is on the rise, although it’s nowhere near the population of Korthea and Geneler yet. They can mostly be found in the Dilern Regime but since they can be the fruits of a union between a Korthea male and a Geneler female many can be found in other conreces (where the mother has fled the oppression in the Dilern Regime against females)
Attribute modifiers:
  • Much of the same physical advantages that Korthea have. They are excellent climbers and hunters by nature.
  • Asaar-Tak have no more mental aptitude than Geneler and are, as thus, unable to become AcalMages. They are also terrible at relating to others.
Modifier summary:

Str: +2, Agi: +1, Sta: +2, Int: -1, Gra: -2.

Other modifiers same as Geneler with the exception of natural armour.

Suggested classes:Warrior, Planeteer, Bountyhunter, Fighter
Example Names:Since Geneler don’t have any names the Asaar-Tak use Korthean names instead.
Cousin Species:eneler, Korthea, Ura-Korthea, Asaar-Tok
History:Asaar-Tak began to emerge soon after the Dilernian invasion some 200 years ago. As such only 2-3 generations have passed but they have already become quite numerous.
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