
Species - Half Koter
Eigandi Nonnib
Dagsetning Búin til 13. Jan 2005 kl 17:29 · Breytt 14. Jun 2020 kl 12:52 (4 skipti)

Half Koter are children of human and koter. Ef þau eignast börn með koter eða human fá afkvæmin eiginleika frá báðum.

Half koter eru líkari koter en human en hafa búið til sitt eigið lúkk með því að vera svolítið kúl og sexí. Þau eru venjulega öruggari með sig en koter en gætu þóst vera koter eða human eftir því hvernig blandan er, en oftast gefa eyrun til kynna hvaðan þau koma.

Half Koter nafnið er notað fyrir fólk sem er einhver blanda af koter og human, en sú blanda er mismikil eftir fólki og því geta half koter verið eins mismunandi og þau eru mörg og hafa mis mikla kosti humans og koter.

Opna / Loka
Height [cm]:160-190
Weight [Kg]:50-90
Eyes:Same as Koter
Ears:Same as Koter
Hair:Same as Koter
Mouth:Same as Koter
Nose:Same as Koter
Skin:Same as Koter
Legs:Same as Koter
Arms / Hands:Same as Koter
Build:Same as Koter
Life and Death
Population [percentage and location]:Half-Koter are very widely spread accross the Galaxy. They’re numbers are climbing every day.
Attribute modifiers:
  • Half-Koter’s inherit the Koter’s agility prowess. Their grace is inherited by humans.
  • They get a stamina weakness same as Koter.
Suggested classes:Any
Example Names:It depends on their parents and place of birth whether they adopt Human or Koter names.
Cousin Species:Human, Anjil, Half-Koter, Half- Anjil, Anjil -Kin
History:Half-Koter’s have been around since Koter and Human’s first encountered each other 500 thousand years ago. They have no culture of their own but typically adopt a human lifestyle.
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