
Species - Roul
Eigandi Nonnib
Dagsetning Búin til 13. Jan 2005 kl 12:34 · Breytt 31. May 2020 kl 22:37 (8 skipti)

This is the only free race that hasn't evolved naturally. They were originally made by organic engineering by the Nordon army but because of outcries from all conreces in the Galaxy they decided to let them go free instead of using them as a tool in their army. As luck would have it though, they had been made with the gene program to fight in the Nordon army so about 96 % of them did. The Roul is the most effective fighting machine ever created by another living thing.

They have nearly all the abilities of the panther and they have the wits of humans (nearly). They are what Forte fears the most now, and they are themselves trying to build their own race without apparent success. The Rouls have three eyes. One of them is in the back of the head so it is nearly impossible to surprise them. These three eyes can be used at will by the Rouls.

The Roul are very efficient fighters, even only with their hands, inflicting 1d3+1 permanent damage with each of them (they cannot use their legs at the same time)

An elegant example of a Roul is a Roul Fighter named Rierdon Lock. He served the empire, and is said to have killed hundreds with weapons, and equally many with his bare hands.

Rouls koma í tveim tegundum, með og án langrar rófu. Margir af þeim sem fæðast með rófu láta taka hana af því það er mikið stigma í kringum þessa blessuðu rófu og þykir svona 'dýrslegt'. Rouls sem eru með rófuna fá +1 í Reflex Resistance.

Opna / Loka
Height [cm]:200-220
Weight [Kg]:80-110
Eyes:Three, one in the back of their heads. Appearance is very cat-like. They have identical night-vision capabilities as large cats, but the eyesight of their back eye is somewhat limited because it’s too small. This can be corrected with eye surgery and it’s usually done if the Roul gains enough money.
Ears:Catlike, pointy. Can be moved and closed
Hair:Typically dark and striped. The Roul have hair covering their entire body.
Mouth:Large and extruded. Large fangs..
Nose:Small and cat-like
Skin:Covered with fur, quite resilient.
Legs:The foot is quite long, and the Roul just use the base of the foot for walking normally (resembles cat feet)
Arms / Hands:Long, typically very muscular.
Build:Extremely athletic. They don’t look very strong, but their physical strength will surprise you.
Life and Death
Lifespan:60 (Rouls rarely live that long since they die in combat)
Diet:Carnivore (Roul prefer to hunt their own prey)
Population [percentage and location]:2,2 % (Dilern Regime)
Attribute modifiers:
  • High stamina and agility. They have excellent night vision and their third eye make them virtually impossible to surprise. They are also natural swimmers and excellent climbers.
  • Not the most intelligent bunch, they often get themselves into trouble socially. They are very poor in all social skills.
Modifier summary:

Full frontal vision during low light conditions (no rear vision during those conditions).

+25 % on all visual observation checks, swimming and climbing are free with a 10 % bonus.

Act, Etiquette, Leadership, public speaking and sex appeal cost 2 times normal.

Zoology and Tolerance get a 15 % bonus if it is acquired.

The Roul can use their claws as natural weapons delivering 1d3+1 permanent damage but a natural 1 on the attack roll wounds the Roul by 2d6 points of damage and renders the claws useless for a month. The Roul have a special sprint which makes them capable of running at 6 times their normal speed for 1d4 rounds on a successful stamina check, after which they cannot run for 1d10 rounds.

As they were bread to induce fear they get intimidate for free with a 15% initial bonus.

Suggested classes:Warrior, Bountyhunter, Fighter.
Example Names:Spine, Claw, Rierdon Lock, Ramier.
Cousin Species:None

Rouls were engineered by the Nordon military in the beginning of the War of Eternity. Their purpose was to inspire fear in their enemies, Forte. The Roul are in many ways not as capable warriors are the Korthea, but they are quite capable. Also, the Roul don’t have the Korthea’s strong sense of morale, and are thus easier to control. Rouls have a reputation for being sadistic killing machines who like nothing more that to butcher families and eat human babies. It is true that they have done so, but that was their purpose in the war. It is what they were bread for. Since the war ended they have been hunted by the victorious Forte, and the Rouls’ number has shrunken to almost nothing over the last few hundred years.

They’ve found refuge with the Dilern Regime, and have begun to learn to work with each other to build their own society. This is something that Nordon tried very hard to remove from their genes. It’s more difficult to manage slaves that are able to work together.

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