
Species - Half-Hilea
Eigandi Nonnib
Dagsetning Búin til 13. Jan 2005 kl 12:23 · Breytt 17. Jan 2005 kl 11:23 (3 skipti)

Hilea and Bont look and act so differently it’s very hard to believe those two species are related. The Half-Hilea is the proof. This exotic creature combines many of the quirks of both its parents but the Hilea genes appear to be more dominant.

The offspring of a Half-Hilea is identical in appearance to Hilea, irregardless of the species of the other parent

Opna / Loka
Height [cm]:120-160 (The Half-Hilea’s height can vary considerably from individual to individual.)
Weight [Kg]:60-100
Eyes:Small, grey
Ears:Three slits
Hair:The hair of the Half-Hilea is a combination of its parents. They have hair on their heads as well as on their necks
Mouth:Wide, with large flat teeth
Nose:Similar to Bont
Skin:Same tendency as Hilea, but more pale.
Arms / Hands:Double-jointed as the Hilea, giving them the same natural affinity in melee combat
Build:Stocky build, large frame, thin face
Life and Death
Puperty:8-10 years
Lifespan:50–60 years
Attribute modifiers:
  • Half-Hilea children are usually not welcome among Hilea populations, and as such they are raised by their Bont parent giving them the same skill advantages as Bont.
  • Half-Hilea don’t usually share the Bont’s distaste for killing (despite their upbringing), but they have small lungs, which reduces their stamina.
Modifier summary:+1 to hit opponents with an agility defence modifier in melee combat.
Suggested classes:Half-Hilea can play any class well. They make good soldiers because of their strength and intelligence as well as great Rogues and Thieves
Example Names:Half-Hilea usually adopt a blending of Hilean and Bontish names, such as “Ka Felaria”.
Cousin Species:Hilea, Bont
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