
Basic Facts

Here are some basic facts and stats from the Grauc Universe

1cr equals 10 dollars

* The normal exchange rate refers to planets and 'mundane' items.

* A beer on a planet costs 1 subcredit (1/10th of a credit). A beer in a space station costs 1 credit.

* A small house costs something like 20KCr whereas a hoverbike (exotic item) costs around 20KCr as well.

Foldcomm travels 1ly / sec

* Foldcomm across the Galaxy takes 28 hours one way

Normal travel times in Fold space is 300 ly/day

* Quad Vector folddrives are up to 2x faster and the engine and skill of the pilot also factors into it.

Foldspace fuel costs 20cr/unit

* Fuel cost varies greatly between locations though.

* Cost per ly is 10-30 cr/ly (0.67-2 ly/unit) where the smallest ships spend 10cr and the largest 30cr

Nonnib · 28. Jul 2010