

The society of Bhan

The society of Bhan is an ancient Nordonic religion.

While based on a sound set of rules and practices meant to improve society as a whole, it's become increasingly dogmatic in the last few centuries and splinter groups have started forming.


The society of Bhan was originally a secret society formed by a number of governors, managers and planet-owners that had a shared goal of developing sentient life in the galaxy to prevent complete stagnation.

At first they took direct action and set up schools, research centers and hospitals. But as decades and centuries passed, the members of the order realised that it would not survive forever and had to start more sustainable actions.

They diverted their funding to research a set of systems any individual could use to achieve more productivity, stronger mental facility and more happyness.

These systems were introduced on a number of planets over many decades but only first caught on when disguised in the form of a religion. The truth is open to those that seek it but for most, this is a religion on par with any other.

In the first centuries after introduction, the society continued developing their systems and introduction gradual changes to their doctrine but as new members of the inner circle were themselves more and more indoctrinated, the society eventually turned into a completely religious command hierarchy.

Due to politics and differences in opinion between those in the inner circle, some splinter groups and radicals have formed, but most follow dogma that closely resembles the original philosophy.


The Society of Bhan is a polytheistic religion with a number of "saints" or cosmic spirits that aid and assist any sentient creature that follows their teachings.

There are dozens of different saints in the mainstream version but each person will only pray to a handful of them based on the results of their Initiation ceremony.

A small number of child saints also exists, that children pray to until they are initiated.

It is common to pray to the saints multiple times a day, for a few minutes at a time. Group prayers are also common but people will not be voicing the same prayer.

Marriage exists and is strightly regulated. Divorce is allowed but only when all else has been proven to fail. Even then it is a sign of personal failure in communication and planning. Children out of wedlock are greatly frowned upon.

The saints are a part of the world but did not create it. They can affect it through quantum probability but are not omnipotent or omnivoyant.

In the original version the saints were not real beings but represent different parts of a persona mental and spiritual faculties, used as a metaphor to connect with yourself.

There is no life after death. The dogma is all about happyness in this life and sustainable development in all things.


Initiation takes place once a child reaches into the first years of adulthood status. The exact age differs greatly by race. It may also take place when an adult of another religion is being converted.

Very deep guided meditation follows a series of mental, physical and character tests. Through a complex series of rules and guidelines, the results of these tests is a list of saints that person should pray to.

The dogmatic reasoning for this ceremony is that in those tests the saints are competing for influence through the person and those that "win" get them as follower.

The original purpose was to find the saints (as a metaphor) that best represent your personality and intellectual faculties. This would ensure maximum effect of the prayer.


How many times a day one should pray is disputed but most agree that it should be at least just after waking up and just before going to sleep.

To pray, one sits or lies comfortably, puts his hands together, closes his hands and chooses a saint to pray to. Once a very clear mental picture of that saint is available, one is to barrage him with graditude and thanks for all the positive things that have happened to you in his area since the last you prayed to him. (This was designed to set up and strenghten a connection to the part of ones mental faculties being represented by the saint)

After this, you can start the prayer in earnest. It follows a very simple formula: 1) List out a problem or the current situation in perfect detail. 2) List out the optimal sitation in perfect detail. 3) Describe what you can do yourself to get to the optimal situation.

When this is done, the saint will give you additional advice and then describe what he will do for you to help you get where you want to be

When in a good connection to the appropriate mental faculties, most problems will clear themselves up when set forth by the formula. If not, at least a solution will present itself soon after.

Other ceremonies

There are a number of other ceremonies, including daily reflection, weekly deep meditation, regular public service with rhytmic music and dancing, a "funeral" ceremony etc.

Splinter groups

The are a number of splinter groups but the only large one (with 20% as many adheirants as the mainstream religion) is the Saintly Bhanian Order. The largest differences is that the SBO belives the saints created the world and they will end it again and it offers an afterlive as a lesser saint if one can diligently fulfill his duties to the church. (Which are considerably more in SBO than mainstream.

The children of Bhan is a smaller group that uses drugs to get into a deeper trance in prayer and meditation. They are not popular as the drugs they use are illegal in many parts of the galaxy.

Axioms of faith (First draft)

Discover your values and follow them all your life.

- Originally meant just that. There is a long and complex ritual that children need to take before initiation that helps them discover their values and list them out. At any time one can repeat it.

- Has often been used as an excuse for violent or destructive action.

Pray at least twice a day.

- Originally meant just as such. Pray as you wake up and before you go to sleep, unless there is a specific reason to pray more often.

- Some of the more radical Bhanians interpret this is twice daily for each of your personal saints.

Always defend dignity.

- Originally meant that you should always uphold and strife to keep your own dignity and help others do the same.

- Radical interpretations say that dignity there refers to the Society of Bhan itself and that it should be defended at any cost. Thus, excusing guerilla warfare and other violent action.

Keep your mind and body healthy.

- Originally: Read books, eat right, excercise, control your temper and your minds.

- Recent interpretations also include a ban on body decorations and the most radical ones do not allow any pharmaceuticals that have negative side-effects, even when facing death.

Be proactive with positive improvements.

- Originally: Don't slouch around and wait for someone else to do tasks that obviously need doing. Take positive action to improve yourself and your environment.

- This can be liberally interpreted to justify any action.

Be meticulous about everything you do.

- Originally that whatever you do, you should do it to the best of your ability.

- Recently interpreted so that you shouldn't start anything if you can't do it well.

Make new mistakes every day.

- Often seen to be in conflict with the one above. This is not really the case though as you can be meticulous about something and still make mistakes. Means that you should be unafraid to try new things and that you should learn from every mistake and not do it again.

- Recently interpreted and often misunderstood to mean that you don't have to do things to the best of your abilities.

Cultivate good relationships with the people around you

- Originally just what it says. Make sure you are getting along with the people around you and that you are supportive and friendly to everyone in your life.

- A liberal interpretation is often used as an excuse to go to a lot of parties.

Commit to sustainable action

- The purpose with the Society of Bhan is to make sure the races are continually developing. This is a very-long term philosophy so sustainable action in all possible areas is essential.

- Has been used to justify eco-terrorism.

Rule over money. Do not let it rule over you.

- Original: Money is a tool with a purpose. Use it to better your life and that of those around you. More is better as long as the other rules are followed.

- Recent interpretations vary. They range from believing money is the root of all good and the purpose of life it so strife for it (Ironically this is what is talked about in "Do not let it rule over you") and to believing money is the root of all evil and that one should live in poverty.

Marry a compatible spouse and be faithful.

- Original: The "compatible" part of the axiom is to reduce pressure on marrying young. Marriage is a virtue but only if it is with someone with which one can get along. Divorce is allowed but very humiliating and frowned strongly upon.

- Recent: Divorce is quite common and the "compatible" part is easily banded about to justify a divorce.

Introduce your children to The Society of Bhan as soon as they develop language skills.

- Original: The affirmations and mediation are of little use to anyone that cannot think in words. It is also very difficult for children young enough not to have language skills to follow most of the axioms.

- Recent: The Society rejects children that are born mute. In more extreme circles, if anyone suffers and accident where he loses his ability to speak, he is instantly excommunicated. "Language is the mother of all intelligence"

Nonnib · 14. Jun 2008